Could Not Determine Which Ruby to Use Should Contain Rvmrc

RVM is Ruby Version Manager. Drwx----- 10 asari staff 4420 Mar 18 1707.

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Its a command-line tool that allows you to easily install manage and work with different Ruby environments.

. Which I guess refers to the variable RUBY_VERSION in the Gemfile. Unknown ruby interpreter version do not know how to handle. I am pretty sure this was causing permissions or path problems for Capistrano when trying to bundle my project.

I will try to rebuild the VPS with a deployer or rails user. Rvm --create --ruby-version use ruby-version-numbergemsetname Example. Failed to determine which Ruby to use should contain rvmrc or versionsconf or ruby version or rbfu version or rbenv version or the corresponding line in the Gemfile.

Rvm --create --ruby-version use ruby-200-p247mycoolapp. Gemfiles ruby directive is supported and will be read by RVM. Should contain rvmrc or versionsconf or ruby-version or rbfu-version or rbenv-version or an appropriate line in Gemfile.

Rvm usage 我不认为这是真的因为我有一个rvmrc文件或者我只是不明白 编辑 我用的是rvm 12533. Rvm usage That last option looks like a step in the right direction but the Ruby version is defined in my Gemfile that is the reason why RVM knows ruby-187 is not installed. You can compare this version to the one used by RVM.

To accomplish this use the command below. Which I guess refers to the variable RUBY_VERSION in the Gemfile. The ruby-version file can contain a specific ruby version or be left empty in order to just use the currently selected ruby version.

Could not determine which Ruby to use. Rvm_pathscriptsrvm cd hometeamcitybuildAgentworkleweb-specs rvm current according to the value of TEST_RVM_SHELL_SCRIPT which when I run on the agent I get a proper 0 exit code and the correct output of ruby-200-p247leweb. Ruby 193 gem haml In case it is not possible to use the ruby directive or when a more fine-grained version is required the following comments will take precedence over the directive.

If one approach to teaching how to develop web applications using Ruby on Rails ends up not working for you dont waste your time and just move onto a different one. In most cases this involves using something like 211your-app instead of 211 when selecting a ruby eg. If you are using bundler RVM will even set BUNDLE_PATH for you so your gem directory is.

Could not determine which Ruby to use. Rbenv is not support specify 21 in ruby-version But rvm can auto use the latest ruby version which match 21 serious. Rvm --default use ruby_version To switch to the default Ruby type.

Should contain rvmrc or versionsconf or ruby-version or rbfu-version or rbenv-version or an appropriate line in Gemfile. Place a ruby-version or rvmrc if you need scripting file in the project directory with the version of Ruby to use for development. For non-interactive shells RVM will be added to PATH only not loaded.

This command should give you the Ruby version used by your gem environment and the paths where the gems and their executables are located. Ls -la total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 asari staff 102 Mar 18 1719. Source rvm 193 do rvm env --path Then when you login or spawn a shell this will automatically load RVM regardless of the shell type.

--install --binary --fuzzy ruby-22. You can see which version of Ruby RVM is currently configured to use. Could not determine which Ruby to use.

If you have ruby 212 installed and project root exist ruby-version content is 21 rbenv is halted but rvm can auto use 212. Lets get started with the first step. Should contain rvmrc or versionsconf or ruby-version or rbfu-version or rbenv-version or an appropriate line in Gemfile.

The ruby-version file has a higher precedence then the Gemfile but not the rvmrc file and if you are on Heroku it will be ignored. I think this applies to the RUBY_VERSION variable in the Gemfile. Ruby on Rails with RVM.

Rvm usage which I dont really think is true because I do have a rvmrc file in or perhaps I just dont understand. Should contain rvmrc or versionsconf or ruby-version or rbfu-version or rbenv-version or an appropriate line in Gemfile. Unknown ruby interpreter version do not know how to handle.

I installed RVM Ruby and Rails as root on the VPS. Could not determine which Ruby to use. This happens on BOTH machines.

As of RVM 180 after a survey where greater than 80 of respondants wanted the feature on by default automatic loading of project rvmrc files is opt-out by default therefore on. Online Ruby on Rails tutorials are perfect for those who like the convenience of hyperlinks and easily copiable code snippets. It you install 213 with rvm it.

I have no idea. Unknown version of ruby interpreter I dont know how to handle. In order to disable this feature set the following value in either etcrvmrc or rvmrc.

Could not determine which Ruby to use. 由众多爱好者共同维护的 Ruby 中文社区本站使用 Homeland 构建并采用 Docker 部署 服务器由 赞助 CDN 由 赞助 iOS 客户端 Android 客户端 简体中文 English. The command running there would be something like.

Should contain rvmrc or versionsconf or ruby-version or rbfu-version or rbenv-version or an appro priate line in Gemfile. Best Ruby on Rails Tutorials. Could not determine which Ruby to use.

Rvm usage do you have a project file that specifies ruby version to use. Should contain rvmrc or versionsconf or ruby-version or rbfu-version or rbenv-version or an appropriate line in Gemfile. Both version should match.

2 means that you and any other users automatically have correctly versioned gemsets. With RVM you can easily install different versions of Ruby and easily switch between them. This means using rubies is not possible in this mode but there are simple methods to load ruby.

To circumvent hassle moving forward you can generate two new files that will tell the project which ruby version to use along with which gemset to use. -rw-r--r-- 1 asari staff 6 Mar 18 1718 ruby-version cat ruby-version 221 rvm use. Rvm use system How To Use Gemsets.

Rvm default In order to use the version of Ruby installed on the system not through RVM you can specify. Could it be rvm that is doing this. Set a default Ruby to use by using the --default flag.

Even better tying it into No.

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